Quick chicken shawarma

“Man is but the imprint of his native landscape”. 

So true. My mom was a full time mother and housewife and it definitely shaped my childhood memories that are inevitably different from others.

My mom went to the open market twice a week. On Mondays she would buy the meats and vegetables and on Thursday she would buy vegetables and fruits for the weekend.

Everything we ate at home  was fresh and homemade. From jellies to bread and pickles, from wine to preserves and condiments. EVERYTHING. Even pasta and pasta sauce were 100% homemade. Literally, “From farm to table”  long before it has become so trendy. 

On Mondays my mom didn’t cook at all. She was busy shopping and then putting away groceries. It was a day of a quick bbq meal. No cooking. Just grilling some of the meat she had bought: chicken or beef liver, chicken hearts, kebab and a fresh chopped salad on gigantic pita bread from a vendor in the market. The recipe below brings back great and flavorful memories. 

5 pieces of boneless chicken thighs 

¼ cup olive oil 

1 tbsp. Hwayej spice 

½ tsp. paprika 

½ tsp. Cumin 

Salt and pepper to taste 

2 garlic cloves, crushed 

½ onion, sliced 

  1. Place ALL of the ingredients in a ziploc bag. Shake well and marinate for several hours. If you don’t have that, 

  2. Grill for 10 minutes. Flip and grill for 10 more minutes. 

  3. Put one slice of chicken on top of the other and thinly slice.


Lamb or beef kebab on cinnamon sticks


Middle Eastern flat bread (Lafa)