Quick and easy puff pastry dough

My mom made everything from scratch. I mean EVERYTHING: condiments, sauces and dressings, and whatnot. She also made puff pastry from scratch. Once a week she would knead, roll out, spread with margarine, fold…and repeat. Several times. She then prepared the meat stuffing for the bourekas. After baking, the dough always came out  flaky and crunchy, but the stuffing…savory and soft. My mom was a very hard-working person. No job or task was too hard for her. She was kind of offended when we said to her: mom, it’s like store bought dough”! She would say: “No, it’s better!”

My mom went for the long and hard version.I don’t think the world was aware of the quick method below, back then. There were food processors as for the internet, not quite yet.

The version below is not mine. It has been on the internet for a long time.

You could use it for both savory and sweet pastries.

2 all-purpose cups flour

2 ½ sticks cold butter or any other vegan butter

¾ cup cold water

1 tsp. Salt

  1. Cut all of the butter into small cubes. Refrigerate the cubes from 2 sticks.

  2. Place flour, salt and butter and pulse till crumbs form, about 7-8 times.

  3. Add half of the water and half of the butter and pulse. Repeat with the remaining water and butter.

  4. Transfer to a lightly floured  work surface. Form a ball 

  5. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough to a rectangle.

  6.  Fold dough in 3, like an envelope; left and right sides towards the center, one on top of the other. Fold in three again and refrigerate. The dough is greedy to use


Palmiers- buttery and flaky cookies


A deconstructed Friday lunch sandwich - Moroccan Meat-stuffed challah rolls