‘‘Sfinj’’- Moroccan doughnuts 


Sfinj always symbolize a festive occasion. They are always served on happy , gatherings: Henna parties, weddings, Bar Mitzvahs or on Hanukkah.

My mom used to make the first batch of the year with the first rain. On the morning of the first year she would make sfinj along with mint tea. It is one of my strongest childhood memories.

  • 1 kg. all purpose flour 

  • 2 tbsp. dry yeast

  • ¾ tsp. salt

  • ¼ cup sugar 

  • 4 cups warm water 

  • 1 tbsp. brandy

  • Oil for frying 

  1. Mix the flour with the yeast and sugar. 

  2. Add the brandy and Start adding water gradually. The dough needs to be quite sticky, almost runny. Add the salt and knead for about 10 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and cover. 

  3. Let the dough proof till it doubles its size. Punch the dough down. 

  4. Repeat the stage above one more time.

  5. Heat oil for deep frying in a wide skillet. 

  6. Take some dough in the size of a ping pong ball, and with your fingers put it in the oil. 

  7. Fry the doughnuts on both sides. 

  8. Dip in honey or sugar. 


Smoked eggplant and beef meatballs with olives and baby potatoes


Moroccan cubed eggplant salad